Don't know why, but suddenly got mood to do this :)
Tagged by few fellows, and if you don't know me well, you can check out some of my basic details here :)
And here you go, the 20 random facts about me.
And here you go, the 20 random facts about me.
1. Had my nickname "Ahma" since primary school standard 5 (11yo) and this name follows me since that time until now.
One of the most successful nickname that I ever see =.= People around me did a superb good job in sustaining this nickname! Back in secondary school, I bet there were some who only know my nickname but not my name! Weirdest was when the teachers or my friends' parents calling me with my nickname too.
2. Not a healthy kid.
Have skin allergic and nose allergic. Sleep late, don't like sports..
3. Stingy? Generous :)
Mummy always worries about me being too stingy to myself, ie don't want to have quality meal. But I know, I actually just don't like to spend their money, but I am way too generous in spending those money I earned myself T^T
4. Don't like to be in photos, but like to take photos.
Don't really like to be in the photos, but I prefer to help to take photos :) Still learning hard to be a better photographer. Anyone wanna teach me?
5. They said I am the duplicate of my daddy.
My hero influenced me a lot on my personality, attitude, thinking and etc. Glad to be like him, but will definitely need to change myself on the hot-tempered part hahaha :D
6. Prefer to communicate in my mother tongue :D
I seriously feel very proud to know Chinese and my Chinese is good! English is anyhow not my first choice when communicating with others.
7. Got no talent like seriously!
I can't sing well, can't dance, don't do sports, and can't cook.. Musical instrument, language all not my cup of tea too =.= Anyone who found my talent, please return it asap :)
8. I don't like to cook, but enjoy baking!
My mum is a super good chef and baker! She can cook and bake very very well and she feels that girls must learn how to cook. By far I am the only girl (I have 2 younger sisters) who can't cook in my family. I prefer baking anyway :)
9. Majority of my buddies are male.
Don't ask me why, but I have more male friends than female friends. Look at those FB chat recently, like usual, I talked more to guys compared to girls. Don't judge la wey... But I do have a bunch of super close female buddies too!
Novel, drama, photos, blogs, anything that manage to touch my heart, trigger my memories, they manage to make me tear! Shhhh, it's a secret :P
11. Touch my family, and you will die!
My family is my priority and touch them? You will yourself in big problem! My sisters are my VIP in life, my parents VVIP :D Can't imagine how am I going to survive without anyone of them. Although I like to annoy them all the time, but without them being my strong pillar, I am nothing!
12. OCD and detail-orientated.
Feel much comfortable when every details in order ;) The first thing I usually do when I reach home nowadays is to clean up the mess my sister did to my room.
13. I communicate better with those elder than me, compared to those who are same age with me.
I got no problem to chat with the elderly for hours, but conversation with my peers usually can't last very long which I don't really know why.
14. Hygiene is a big thing.
You can hardly see me before I took my shower. It's a must do for every morning before I head out from my place. And you sometimes might be able to meet me in the bathroom in the midnight. Can never sleep well without a proper bath after one whole day.
15. Doraemon is my best darling.
Can never have enough of Doraemon :D Can watch them over and over again. And yes, I prefer the long movie version, it's just way too touching sometimes! Ohya, I dare not to watch the last episode yet.
16. I believe in horoscope.
Just another way to comfort and convince myself :D I believe in horoscope, but I believe in myself more :)
17. I can't take spicy food.
Well, most of those who are close to me will know about this. I can't take spicy food, my tongue functions very well everytime :) It is nothing to be ashamed of even though I am Malaysian and parent from Penang :P I just can't take spicy food, even my youngest sister can do better than me for this :P
18. And I don't take alcohol.
A simple promise to myself for not taking any alcoholic drinks and I am still practicing this.
19. I love soft music :)
Soft music or instrumental music - the best companion in the midnight when you are all alone!
20. Prefer to keep everything to myself.
I prefer to keep everything to myself, and share them if I feel the need of sharing. Don't like how people judge me before knowing me well, so I rather not to share everything. And will only share with those I trust a lot, those who will never harm me.
That is all for now :D The 20 random facts about me :)

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