Don't think I CAN OR SHOULD promise to blog about the Taiwan Trip, so bear with me for that at this moment :)
Another month went off and I had a busy yet superb fun month! So now me gonna share about my Malaysian Students' Association Freshmen Orientation Camp (MSA FOC) 2014 experience!
PS : I don't own all these photos. Appreciate all the efforts by the PnP team!
MSA FOC 2014 - Port in the Storm
"On your own, but not alone"
I joined MSA FOC 2014 as a main committee member, the Admin Officer which was super busy before the camp starts and got nothing much to do during the camp :) I really dare not to take up roles like Group Leader (GL) and etc cause I don't think I am suitable for those positions :)
FOC Main Committee 2014 :)
The fun bunch of people that I worked with for 10 months!
So preparation started pretty early, the first meeting for all the main committees were held in mid Oct 2013. 10 months of preparation just to ensure the camp run smoothly. Not any other easy task for everyone of us. Not that all of us have a lot of time to have frequent meetings, so each meeting we had will continue for hours till late night. But for the camp, everything seems so worthy :)
The admin officers, Wee Jie and Wan Qi :)
My main job scope was to gather all the freshmen and try my best to help them went through their admission period. Not an easy task because we started all from 0. Searching for all the potential freshmen from every possible places and I by now knew a lot of schools in different parts of Malaysia d :D From no freshie till 120+ freshmen on early August, that for me is a big achievement.
There was a period of time where I was so reluctant to switch on my laptop and log in to my Facebook. The stress when people approached you on a daily basis to ask everything about admission. I dare not to make even a small mistake, it is for their future! The highest record by far, I had 30+ chat notification in a random morning back in July :)
That sounds horrible? Well, not at all actually :) The satisfaction gained when you got to meet everyone of them in real life when they reached NTU was too high and every sacrifice made were all worthy by then. That moment when they asked, "You are the WanQi online?" I knew I did my job well enough :)
5 days camp ended in a blink of an eye. I believe we all created a very strong port in the storm for every single people here. We all had fun despite how tiring the process was and how stress we all were. It was all for the freshmen and to repay what the seniors did for us last time.
Too lengthy and I can't stand :P So time for some photos to show you how fun it was for the entire 10 months :D
Our very first meeting! (End of Oct 2013)
Main Com Outing (Early Jan)
We went to JB for paintball and bowling :D
Sub-committee recruitment drive (End of Jan)
FOC Outing (Early March)
I told you we had a lot of meetings D:
Video conferencing when not all of us in Singapore! (Early May)
Senior Camp 2014 (End of July)

Pre-Camp 2014 (Early Aug)
And tadaaa, our FOC :)
With my OG, Typhoeus!
Best OG wor :)
Had fun being helpers throughout the camp too!
Not to forget, the best teammates I have ever had.
Yes! We graduated as main committee d!
The last meeting aka the debrief and sharing session that lasted for 10 hours long!
This chapter of life finally came to an end. Appreciate every moment that we went through together and all the memories will be kept for forever :) Hopefully the bond between us will never fade and will remain as strong as it is now. You guys will be missed and wish that we will gather again real soon!
Thanks for everything! <3
Signing off,
MSA FOC Admin Officers 2014

Love the spirit!! :DD
ReplyDelete@minyen Awww <3 Thanks dear :D Which spirit you are referring to actually? hahahaha :D