PS : No updates for coming 2 weeks yo :D
I should have blog about my sem 1 last time, so I won't have to crumble everything in this post. #LessonLearned
1. Study abroad is never something easy
Well, I know what you wanna say, Singapore is not far. Even though I know I can always come home, but no, that feeling is just, difficult. No matter how hard you tried, even you Skype everyday, you will still feel disconnected with people back in home. This hits me the most, especially with my sisters and my buddy. I can share everything with them via Skype very frequently. But still sometimes, they can't understand well.
And not to forget, you missed a lot of outings, just because your holidays are different with your buddies T_T
Group photo forever without me
2. Choose what you
Get to know more about yourself and study the course that you love. Honestly, I kinda regret now cause I gave up what I really want, and choose to enroll in economics. Not that I can't handle it well (though my CGPA looks shitty now), but I just don't have the motivation to put in extra effort. I can put in 200% of effort in something I love, but dealing with that lot of mathematics just get me a bit tired.
However, I got no more reason to procrastinate d, cause my CGPA really looks super duper shitty now. Time to work hard, and yes, my short term aim for now : Graduate with flying colors!
3. Time management is important
Again, ain't this boring? Went through it and you will know. No one in university will ever deny this. We sometimes wish that we have 48 hours per day.
Looked through my planner, well, I pretty amazed by myself. Practically, I got not much time to fool around. Everyday, literally everyday I got lots of activities : all the lectures and tutorials, part time jobs, event planning, meetings, events, quizzes, assignments, presentation, birthday celebration, etc.
Without my planner, I really can't imagine how am I going to deal with all these workloads.
The busiest month - Feb
4. Joining events is fun
Someone will question, why joining that lot of events when you can't afford to maintain your academic performance?
Like I said, I will put in 200% of efforts to things I love. I love joining events, meeting others, and I like to plan something out and make that event a success. I love learning through this way, experience has much more values for me compare to those theories.
Joined 4 clubs, met lot of people, planned lot of events, went through lot of funs : This is truly what I enjoyed :)
And sometimes you received extra surprise like being nominated as Best Subcom for 2 times? :D
Heritage Kampung Play 2013
Heritage Week 2014
Rotaract Flag Day 2013
Earthlink Events
Thow Kwang Pottery Workshop
All these events need a lot of preparation and glad that we managed to make every of them success :) A lot more activities that I joined and also organised, thank you everyone for giving me all these chances. More to come in coming year :P
5. Treasure people that willing to stay beside you
Went through a lot of things related to relationship in this year. Again, my social skill need to be improved. Friendship is not hard to gain, but hard to maintain. Time to put in a little more effort to let people around me know that I do appreciate them.
Finger crossed hope that the curse won't happen again.
6. Travel always in my bucket list
Being in university given me a lot of freedom to travel around :D
Going to Singapore not counted as travel though, but well, Singapore will be my next stop to explore also d =D
Went to a lot of places for my Year 1 :D
Going to Singapore not counted as travel though, but well, Singapore will be my next stop to explore also d =D
Went to a lot of places for my Year 1 :D
Penang 2014
My Year 1 went tougher than I predicted. Depression, stress, emotion, all these hit me hard especially during the exam period. But all the same time, those satisfaction and experiences are more valuable to me. I know this is my choice and I will not give up :D Aza-aza fighting for the next sem!