Sunday, March 23, 2014

Malaysian Sports Day 2014

Another month where me again abandoned my blog. Life went pretty smooth besides the fact that I had a really tight schedule everyday. Life #LikeABoss

Agreed to accept the job as a financial controller for Malaysian Sports Day 2014. I know I will never join the game if I have no commitment for it cause me just not those who love and can do sports =P

The theme and slogan for MSD 2014 : Race Hard, Race Wild :)

The tasks given ain't that hard to complete cause basically beside preparing budget and I got nothing much to do before the event. The only pressure I had was to control the money flow so we won't make a loss. Ya, I set the target as low as possible cause last year they earned not more than SGD10 =.=

Went for few meetings, and can see all the committee members working really hard to make the event a success. Can't deny the fact that I was the kinda slack one compared to their contribution to the event. Good job to the committee members especially the chairpersons and programmers!

And so let's the pictures tell the story :
Photos source : here and here and here

First job of the day - Collect fees at the registration booth 

Emcee of the day!

The chairpersons and the presidents.

Some of the dedicated committee members!

Group photo but without me :'(

Games we had on that day :

Run run run! Male Track Game - 100m

Pretty committee members that in-charge of badminton

Winner for the badminton men's double 


The futsal players

Basketball players

We had station games too :

Tug of war

Captain ball


It ended well. Far more better than what we imagined.
Thanks to those who really contribute a lot of efforts on it.
Thanks to those who played really hard that day.

MSD 2014, SUCCESS :)

Signing off as MSD 2014 Fin Con

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