We grow elder every year, and especially for people like me, the January babies, we having this feeling much stronger for each new year.
Turning 21 very soon, the adulthood, it sounds attractive, but I know if given choices, I wouldn't want to be an adult. I rather to stay as innocent and childish as I can.
But well, we are not given such chance to say no, so just take it to be old. #Emo
Turning 21 very soon, the adulthood, it sounds attractive, but I know if given choices, I wouldn't want to be an adult. I rather to stay as innocent and childish as I can.
But well, we are not given such chance to say no, so just take it to be old. #Emo
2013, a year full of surprises, an unpredictable year I would say.
Below will be the summarize of my adventure throughout this unforgettable, unpredictable yet awesome year.
1. Awesomely long and relaxing holidays at the start of the year.
While all my friends and classmates went to work in the early of the year, I spent entire 3 months at home. Well, I planned to work like them also, but it's nice to have such long holidays too =D Although the period before CNY was very busy to take care of my granddad and help mummy, but still that 3 months were awesomely relaxing! Worries free and only chilling =D
More than enough to recharge myself after fighting so hard for STPM =P
The first week of the years : http://qiwan001.blogspot.com/2013/01/080113-my-holidays.html
More than enough to recharge myself after fighting so hard for STPM =P

The first week of the years : http://qiwan001.blogspot.com/2013/01/080113-my-holidays.html
2. The overwhelming happiness for the superb good STPM result.
Never ever expect the outcome would be that good. All the hard works paid off, although I don't think I worked a lot more harder than others =P
First live interview, those blessings from the teachers, learnt a lot more after I got my results actually. Those lessons that I will never forget for entire life : be humble but at the same time be true.
The interview : http://qiwan001.blogspot.com/2013/05/210513-ntu-scholarship-interview.html
Check out more here =)
Exam welfare is awesome =D http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/11/081113-exam-period.html
More details on my trip =D
Johor : http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/10/131013-johor-food-trip.html
Batam : http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/12/111213-getaway-to-paradise-batam-part-1.html and http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/12/111213-getaway-to-paradise-batam-part-2.html
2013 went in it's very own and unique way all these while. Surprises everywhere. All these memories created will not fade even after many years. Adventure in 2013 had come to it's end and we shall now start the new adventure of life =) See you there and happy new year =)
First live interview, those blessings from the teachers, learnt a lot more after I got my results actually. Those lessons that I will never forget for entire life : be humble but at the same time be true.
3. Those quality times spent to take care my granddad.Never know I could be that close to this lovely old man. Would never forget those yamcha time with him at the market and those nights spent in the ward together with him. He changed to be more bad-temper after he fall sick. But he talked more when he was in his mood. Understand him better after all. I felt it deeply for the love from a man to his sons and daughters and family even he was in his last few moment.
4. The unforgetable 3 months - PLKN.Got the confirmation letter at the very last minutes. Prepared myself within 3 days and off I went to Kem Paya Indah, Selangor. There went the 3 months. Missing those friends with super strong bond as we spent 24/7 together for entire 3 months. Will never forget those time where i took leave, those marching and training, classes, dinner time (Our favourite time), kite flying, noon spent in dorm, performances, every family day and the weekly visits to the temple. Time passed so fast and at the time we realized, we are all apart now.
5.The good fortune of getting scholarship.Never ever imagine that I'm capable to get myself a scholarship. Back then, I actually never apply for any scholarship cause I always thought me ain't that desperate for those money and also me ain't qualify for getting them. I thought I did horribly for the scholarship interview, but the result turned out to surprise me. Well, I did put in some efforts for getting this but I would still appreciate this good fortune of mine =)
The interview : http://qiwan001.blogspot.com/2013/05/210513-ntu-scholarship-interview.html
6.The excitement of getting enroll into NTU.Another big surprise of the year. Never plan to take this path less taken actually but since I have got the scholarship and the chance, why not giving it a try? My original plan was so much easy and less suffering, study in local university (I got offer from UKM) and just get myself another certificate of qualification. But things change faster than we can imagine. Being labelled as international student, study in a completely different culture, get to know people around the world, these are the rewards of daring myself to take this adventure and I will never regret.
7. The pain of losing my beloved granddadThought that I had all prepared but then when the time reached, you can still feel the deep pain of losing someone you love that much. A big lesson learnt. To appreciate what you are having now and never think they will always remain as you want at anytime. Appreciate those memories created. I have no regret as your grandchild cause I did my very best to give everything you need. Thanks for being there always for us, I love you =)
8. The fun brought by the bosses.One of the worst moment in the whole world would be the moment you have homesick. Credits to all the new bosses I know in NTU, the chances for me to get caught for being homesick is so much lesser. Can never have so much fun in my uni life without them. It wouldn't be a bit too much even I label them as my new Ohana =) Life is awesome with them =)
Check out more here =)
9. The depressing and stressful exam week.Can conclude the week as the worst week I had gone through. So glad that I had made my way through that super dark week. Was so stress with the exam and some personal emotion. Insomnia, can't eat well, things that will never happen on me happened frequently that week. But one of the benefit, I got so much weight loss that week =)
10. The joy of travelling.Visited a lot of places in this year. Penang, Ipoh, Johor and not to forget Batam. Really enjoy the joy of travelling. Was planning to have a trip alone before 21 but too bad I got no time for it. Will definitely get it done by this coming year =) Appreciate every moment spent at somewhere doesn't belong to me and appreciate those memories.
Johor : http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/10/131013-johor-food-trip.html
Batam : http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/12/111213-getaway-to-paradise-batam-part-1.html and http://qiwanuni.blogspot.com/2013/12/111213-getaway-to-paradise-batam-part-2.html
2013 went in it's very own and unique way all these while. Surprises everywhere. All these memories created will not fade even after many years. Adventure in 2013 had come to it's end and we shall now start the new adventure of life =) See you there and happy new year =)
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