First of all, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR people :) Time really flies, I am back in NTU after the short CNY break d. I guess we will never have enough of holidays hahaha :D
The first CNY celebration was the MSA CNY night 2015 :D Had a really fun night and all I did was just sit back and enjoy the show! Kudos to the committee members that put up such a nice show :)
*Photos credit to the owners :)
The funny Y2 bunch :P
The bosses ❤
I am blessed to have these good teammates :)
Best OG - Wata you doing?
The #AwesomeLife gang ❤
The very on committee team I have :)
Don't miss this video by the talented people too :D
After that, I went back to KL on last Tuesday and skipped my Wednesday lecture. The traffic quite smooth and I reached around 10pm as I took the 4pm bus. The first person I met is the long-time-no-see-buddy, Minyen :D She purposely came and picked me up and even waited me to finish my stuffs at my house just because she said she won't have time after that night. And she got to go back to Kampung the next morning. OMG, must give you the best buddy award hahaha :D
Hahahahahahaha! Sorry for the really blur photo I have here :P
We had mamak! What else I can ask for when I had maggi goreng as the first meal?
She was so excited to update me about everything and everyone :) So sweet of you and hope you enjoyed the night market tour LOL hahaha :D
See you soon and good luck in job hunting!
Went to help out at the market as usual so that my mum and sis can get some rest. However, I went back to sleep around 7am and can't believe I was that weak la :'( Guilty max for can't help mummy during the morning :'(
5.50am, guess what they queuing for?
Morning market really got people at night one la :D
But it rains that night LOL.. But well, water is wealth so I don't mind :P
Ohya, this is a pretty good year for "monkey", say Yeah!
First day with the sisters ❤
Nothing much on the first day so we went to the Tian Hou Temple at night :D
My first considered successful panaroma photo LOL
I should cut down on my weight, I know T-T
Well, we had mamak then ahahahaha :P
Went to visit my mum's aunt on the second morning. And we had steamboat there. Don't ask me why but I do feel weird for doing so hahaha :D
The mummy and aunts and their aunt LOL
The cousins :)
I look nice here so I post LOL
Then went to visit my nanny at PJ :) And we had the very nice yu sheng again!
Pardon me for my poor selfie skill LOL =.=
Day 3 we went to meet my dad's brother and got to see my niece :D
7 years old, I feel so old, but she is damn cute!
Met up Junyao on day 4 noon after he reached KL haha :D Another one that will get the best buddy award. Mad love both of them hehe ❤
Took the 4pm bus and it was the worst decision really :'( The bus departed at 4.30pm and I cleared both immigration after 11.30pm :'( Forced to take cab back to Pulau somemore. No next time!
These are things I have for CNY 2015. I am really blessed to have such well spent break :) See you guys soon and for now, time to work harder!